Saturday, August 28, 2010

Racism and Fascism Galore

Racism and Fascism Galore

Further to Radio 2UE Conspiracy , Ian Holland, Program Director of Radio 2GB, Prostitutes Are Better Than Australian Shock Jocks and Mr. Tim Webster of Radio 2UE; union leader Faruque Ahmed made a few attempts to talk about many burning issues like the infamous Northern Territory Intervention without any success!

Faruque Ahmed is a well-known and very active in the media for a long time including ABC and BBC. Yet, he was told that his English is not good enough in this 10th of August 2010 correspondence!?

During the stage managed 2010 federal election campaign both major political parties and media outlets refused to discuss about aboriginal issues, environment and Australia’s involvement of Israel centric wars.

Earlier Faruque Ahmed was prevented from talking about Taxi Mafia Inspired Blockade (Radio 2GB).

In short Australian shock-jocks, spin doctors and tabloid media outlets are setting the agenda and virtually running the country for Israel. By the same time they are inciting Islamophobia and unfounded paranoia!

Ironically Julia Gillard refused to implement Labor government initiated Peter Yu Report! Disgusting Phony Toney is worse than Julia Gillard and very much supported by the Australian shock-jocks, spin doctors and tabloid media outlets!

In the mean time the Australian shock-jocks, spin doctors and tabloid media outlets are isolating Faruque Ahmed some of them are also trying to vilify him too!

UN slams treatment of Aborigines

Heath Aston

August 29, 2010

Federal Labor has defended its treatment of Aborigines after a United Nations report into disadvantage among the indigenous population led to claims racism was ''embedded'' in the Australian way of life.

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in Geneva blasted Australia for harbouring an ''unacceptably high level of disadvantage and social dislocation'' among Aborigines, particularly those in the Northern Territory. The committee welcomed Kevin Rudd's apology but said that saying sorry wasn't enough.

Committee member Patrick Thornberry said successive Australian governments had failed to enshrine protection against racial discrimination into the constitution.

But Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin said yesterday the UN had recognised Labor's commitment to closing the gap, saying $5.75 billion had been allocated to tackle indigenous disadvantage over the next three years.

The report also raised concerns about the handling of asylum seekers and assaults on foreign students.

Meanwhile, the largest UN event to be held in Australia begins tomorrow in Melbourne and will include Aleida Guevara, daughter of Cuban revolutionary Ernesto ''Che'' Guevara.

Friday, April 16, 2010

NSW ADB to Australian Communication and Media Authority

NSW ADB to Australian Communication and Media Authority

Further to Muslim Hunt Continuum and Australian Media and The Sydney Morning Herald and Zionised Erik Jensen; the power and influence of radio 2GB is more than dangerous for any civilised society. The Cronulla Riot Report provided clear, conclusive and corroborative evidence that radio 2GB incited that violence. Yet, no one from 2GB was prosecuted! Even Chris Master’s Jonestown failed to curve notorious hate merchant Alan Jones.

Generally speaking, it is virtually impossible to succeed against radio 2GB at the NSW Anti Discrimination Board due to deliberately kept loopholes and lack of findings. Would you believe the toothless Australian Communication and Media Authority is useless too!

Due to the financial and legal power and influence of radio 2GB it is almost impossible to run a successful case against this station. Even if anyone wins against them, they will wiggle out by saying, “we will train our staffs … “. In reality non-stop insinuation and incitement against aboriginals, migrants, Muslims and Arabs will continue.

--- In, mamubhi wrote: Taxi Mafia to Media Mafia

Faruque Ahmed must complain to the radio stations in question and Australian Communication and Media Authority for a number of breaches already occurred in many ways. Many would say, “the ACMA is a toothless tiger”! The media barons got the money and ways to humiliate and defeat an ordinary person.

Even if you defeat them and establish your case, they will say, “we will train our staffs … ” . This is a well kept loophole to defeat the intent and purpose of law and natural justice.

--- In, "komolarani@..." wrote: Taxi Mafia to Media Mafia

For more: Komolarani Site, Komolarani Doc

Further to Do We Need a Barrel of a Gun or A Royal Commission? below, the "anti-Faruque Religion" is getting stronger in Australia. Taxi mafia inspired taxi activists blame Mr. Ahmed for everything. However, they do not have any plan of action for the taxi drivers or the industry in general! Most importantly, none of them got any courage or capability to expose taxi industry corruption in the media or elsewhere!

Recently at a few "anti-Faruque Sessions" Mike Hatrick interjected by saying, "hang on, whatever you say, Faruque is the mover and shaker …. " and poor Ernie nodded with agreement. As a result the orgy stopped temporarily! Although, it does not means that the orgy won't start again. It will start, stop and continue as usual. But, what about the media?! Specifically talk back radios? Is there a concerted effort going on to silence dedicated community activist like Faruque Ahmed? Else, why did they murder popular David Oldfield and replacing him with unpopular and vitriolic Jim Ball?

Do We Need a Barrel of a Gun or A Royal Commission?

Australian values, culture and tradition gave us Australia, Australian values and Psyche! To complicate the situation further, the fear of invasion was very strong in Australia since day one! That's why most Australian media outlets are far too busy with `boat people' and they failed to pay attention to the NSW Upper House Inquiry re Taxi Industry and many other important issues affecting this land. Even the so called intelligent taxi driver's discussion forums like ozcabs have been dedicating their life to incite racism and sectarianism like Peer Lindholdt of Promiscuity for Virginity.

Anyway, the NSW Labor Party basically owns workers! They can parachute themselves to any union movements. They are also free to take bribes and sell out workers rights as identified in Ghost and Gas – No Conspiracies. They have done so many times before.

Taxi Driver Entitlement under the Law was demolished due to The NSW TWU's Crime against Taxi Drivers! It was a taxi driver sell-out by the NSW TWU leaders like Harry Quinn and his gangs. They did so in pursuit of financial gains and according to the news reports of that time, Mr. Quinn had deposited a large amount of cash at the Commonwealth Bank, Eastwood Branch. When he was questioned, "Mr. Quinn, how did you get this money"? His reply was, "winning from the races".

Yesterday, Ms. Lee Rhiannon MLC went on to ask a few questions of Reg Kermode regarding Labor Party President Steve Hutchins Bribe Affairs, but, she was stopped by the Labor Party MLC!

Taxi Drivers' Cry for Justice was decimated by the Demolition Team of Attorney General Jeff Shaw earlier! We have much documentation of this kind of behaviour. Today, even in the Parliament of NSW, no one can ask any question about bribe takings and wrong doings of the Labor Party identities!

Faruque Ahmed Requests Attorney General to Intervene. However, Attorney General Refuses to Intervene to Protect Labor Party Stooges.

Recently Faruque Ahmed Called Attorney General to stop TWU (Labor Party) Crime and the NSW Attorney General's Response to Faruque Ahmed is more than tragic!

Now, the question is, "Do We Need a Barrel of Gun or A Royal Commission?"

Faruque Ahmed

Friday, April 02, 2010

--- In, "Biplobi Faruque" wrote: Julius Striker to Jim Ball

Jim Ball, the multi cultural and multi faith man used to incite racism and sectarianism from the Sydney hate-a-thon AKA Radio 2GB! Prior to this period, 2GB used to be one of the better radio stations amongst the commercial ones. His counterpart was Stuart Bocking of 2UE. Poor Stuart used to be the telephone operator and radio man too.

At one stage Jim Ball appeared at radio 2UE equipped with telephone man unlike Stuart Bocking and continued his hate-a-thon. One could smell a rat here! However, as narrated in David Oldfield to Jim Ball, Jim's ratings went down whilst David's popularity (see David Oldfield to David Oldfield) started to climb up. Yet, David Oldfield appeared to be under pressure from some sources, and at one stage they split his popular 2GB slot to weaken him, but he survived!

As mentioned in "Emailed to David Oldfield at Sunday, March 28, 2010" below, some people went on to back stab David and myself. But, that was not good enough! They have now removed the more popular David Oldfield and replaced him with boring Zio-Nazi Jim Ball!

It appears that Alan Jones of Jones Town may be venturing out with other shock jocks including Jim Ball in Manufacturing Consent and Opinion similar to Julius Striker. Shock jocks like Alan Jones and Jim Ball have been inciting prejudice and bigotry by using illogical and irrational fear for a long time. Usually, they avoid debate and hide behind four walls and telephone operators. They also use raw emotion to misguide and misinform the busy and hardworking public into a state of robotic ignorance.

They have already demonstrated their power by removing a national political party leader based on false and fabricated paranoia regarding climate change issues. Now they want to remove the Labor Party with the same tactics!

I am not a fan of the labor party but I reject and condemn this type of manufacturing consent and opinion based on prejudice and bigotry emanating from vindictive xenophobia.

Further to Freedom of Speech please examine the gutless nature of the Sydney Hate-A-Thon AKA Radio 2GB and 2UE!

New Diary of Mr. Faruque Ahmed

Saturday, 3 April 2010

I rang 2UE and my call was rejected. Later, no one answered my call. I faced this type of difficulty a few more times this week.

I also rang 2GB and spoke to the prouder who promised to call me back. It happened to me a couple of more times in this week and they did not put on air.

Sunday, 4 April 2010 (2.53 AM)

I rang 2UE and my call was not answered by anyone.

I rang 2GB (2. 58 AM) in a different way and the telephone operator responded. He promised to call me back. In reality he did not.

Monday, 5 April 2010

Mike Williams had approximately two calls after 1.00 PM. I rang 2GB and spoke to a female telephone operator. She asked my name and topic of conversation. She also told me told me to hold but the line was disconnected me.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

A female caller made enough statement to incite racist and sectarian unrest based on totally false and fabricated reason and grounds. I rang up for a right of reply and eventually radio 2GB rang me back. After 1.00 AM.

We spoke in line with Burkah, Fear and Paranoia Based on Prejudice and Bigotry and Mike accused me of a few unpleasant things but he failed to provide any evidence in support of his claims.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

I rang 2UE from my phone and no one picked up the call. I used different technique and it was answered very quickly! Anyway, the telephone operator took my number and he promised to ring me. Yes, Dale rang me back and he conveyed the message that Mike Jeffreys won't talk to me (2.30 AM.)

--- In, "Biplobi Faruque" wrote: Freedom of Speech

For More: Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Speech

Media outlets must report truthfully and accurately. They should not be silencing the truth and manipulating any event. The media outlets must not manufacture consent and opinion by cheating or tricking. Hiding behind telephone operators and four walls are option for gutless wonders.

Finally, freedom of speech must be respected as it is the most valuable and universal asset.

--- In, "komolarani@..." wrote: Radio Nazis and Zionists of Australia

For More: Radio Nazis and Zionists of Australia, Radio 2GB

Sydney Radio Nazi Jim Ball was investigated by the Australian Communication and Media Authority due to some quality works of Mr. Faruque Ahmed (Evidence 1 and 2) according to Radio News. Jim Ball is a notorious pest of the radio and his removal is long overdue. However, David Oldfield started to be fair and balanced commentator rather than riding on irrational, fear, paranoia, prejudice and bigotry! According to an informed source, he may have stepped on Zionist toes and they are behind his downfall!

Mr. Faruque Ahmed is a well-known community activist. He has been exposing many crimes and corruptions for a long time. He is also instrumental to many taxi industry reforms. However lately both 2GB and 2UE switchboards are denying him any air time and thus in a way they are preventing to expose many taxi industry crimes like the NSW Labor Party President Steve Hutchins Bribe Affairs!

Manufacturing consent and opinion are two main dirty games in the Australian media outlets including radio 2GB and 2UE! It appears, both 2GB and 2UE are using their telephone operators to silence free speech of Mr. Faruque Ahmed to appease their advertisers as mentioned in Taxi Mafia Inspired Blockade (Radio 2GB), Taxi Mafia Inspired Blockade (Radio 2 UE) and Producers of Radio 2GB earlier.

Mr. Faruque Ahmed is determined to fight for free speech as well as ensure truthful and accurate reporting by the media outlets. From now on he is maintaining "New Diary of Mr. Faruque Ahmed" below.

--- In, "Biplobi Faruque" wrote: Radio 2GB to 2UE

For More: Radio 2GB to 2UE

Further to Taxi Mafia Rules NSW Government and Politics and Do We Need a Barrel of a Gun or A Royal Commission?, only the Sydney Morning Herald have been carefully exposing taxi mafia crime spree.

Almost after 25 years of sufferings and oppression we managed to start a NSW Upper House Inquiry in to the Taxi Industry. Most of the big players refused to appear in front of the Inquiry. Even the taxi networks have shown their blatant contempt as mentioned in A Critical Observation re NSW Upper House Inquiry and Beyond A Critical Observation re NSW Upper House Inquiry!

However, the The Power of the Taxi Mafia became more obvious when the Taxi Washer to Taxi Mafia virtually ignored and refused to answer most of the questions put to him by the NSW Upper House Committee. It also became clearer when some MLCs including the Committee Chairman and a Labor Party MLC obstructed Ms. Lee Rhiannon MLC and Mr. Trevor Khan MLC to ask a few questions to Reg Kermode!

As a taxi industry activist, I have been talking to talk back radio for a long time and I would like to think that my agitations may have improved the taxi industry a bit and we do have more room for improvement. However, as previously mentioned in Taxi Mafia Inspired Blockade (Radio 2GB), Taxi Mafia Inspired Blockade (Radio 2 UE) and Producers of Radio 2GB and that some shock jocks and producers/management have been denying me airtime for reasons well-known to them.

Ironically, I have not heard many taxi industry activists or your station staffs for that mater to report or discuss about the important issues like the NSW Upper House Inquiry in to the Taxi Industry!

Mike Williams of 2GB and Mike Jefferys of Radio 2UE duo are also maintaining the blockade against me since the departure of Jim Ball and David Oldfield respectively.

I am sure this is neither a healthy and balanced open to all radio nor a good scenario.

With thanks.

Faruque Ahmed

Mobile: 041 091 4118

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Producers of Radio 2GB

For More: Crimes Exposed

Radio 2GB is an infamous hate machine of Sydney. This station is the most high rating radio station of the town. Deliberate and creative injection of prejudice and bigotry along with illogical and irrational fear made 2GB popular amongst the ignoramuses. However, many intelligent Australians are ashamed of the existence of 2GB, Telecrap and other tabloid media outlets!

Most of the vicious and callous shock jocks of 2GB hide behind four walls and telephone operators. These days, they are hiring spiteful and cipher telephone operators to murder free speech.

David Oldfield used to be Pauline Henson's right hand man and was also supposed to be a racist person as well! However, since his interaction with honest and intelligent 2GB communities he became the king of the night time radio and much better than many closet racists of 2GB. Yet, 2GB splattered his blood all over their radio station.

Anyway, as per his email below, David wanted to talk to me and he asked me to ring him. Yet, I could not talk to him despite six telephone calls to 2GB!

It appears that someone instructed the mighty telephone operator to block my calls. As a result, the switch person ignores my normal mobile number. However, when I use other peoples' mobile I get thorough straight away!! This again re-enforces the existence of deliberate blockade and quieter switch board of 2GB. On top of these tricks the new switch person also used many other dirty techniques against me. Last night, she ignored my mobile cal and she quickly picked up my call from another person's phone. When I asked her to explain her continuing irrational actions, she initially pretended that she does not know me! Then she said, "I rang you twice this week and you were sleeping Faruque". I responded by saying, "you are not telling the truth". She then got cranky and said, "are you calling me a liar"? I replied, "I will provide evidence to you or to anyone for that matter that you are not telling the truth, and you did not ring me as you claimed". She became more aggressive and cut me off!

Right now, a carefully orchestrated anxiety and paranoia is emerging regarding the boat people. According to my information, 94% refugees come to Australia via airports by planes with the assistance of airlines, travel agents and high flying lawyers. Surely no one is going to prosecute the above mentioned classes of `people smugglers'! On the other hand, only 6% refugees come to Australia via leaky boats and 98% of them are found to be genuine refugees even under very rough and tough laws of Australia.

Most importantly, over the last thirty years only 21 000 refuges `invaded" Australia, and it is not a life or death issue of this country. Therefore, no one has to spend 2 million dollar per refuges to defame, demonise, torture and terrorise these unfortunate individuals, as had happened during the Howard era.

Ultimately, refugee bashing doesn't have to become be the most spectacular sport in town displacing existing Muslims and Arab bashing due to blatant prejudice and bigotry.

Faruque Ahmed

Mobile: 041 091 4118

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mike Williams of 2GB


I have spoken to you during the illegal and immoral Israeli invasion of Lebanon. You were supportive of that criminal enterprise then, and I opposed it. Would you believe that the Israeli High Court and many decent intellectuals are supportive of my stand! I do not know whether or not you are prepared to talk to me, or any one else with intelligence and integrity, for that matter. Perhaps, as usual, you just want to pollute the airwaves with insanity!!

Anyway, the choice is yours and please declare it openly, rather than hiding behind your poor telephone operators and four walls. My phone number is 041 091 4118. You can call me if you want.

Faruque Ahmed

Emailed to David Oldfield at Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dear David

Further to Cabcharge chief to appear at taxi inquiry I have been trying to speak to you and I made a few phone calls without any success. To the best of my knowledge, some people of "Eastern suburbs" do not like you and they want you out of the radio industry. This is not surprising as they have their own priorities, and they do not like anyone who is not a cheer-leader for their racist and fascist causes. Recent encounters with US Vice President Joe Bidone, Secretary Clinton and President Obama are only a few good examples!

Anyway, I do not know is it you, your producer, or your station manager is trying to block me. As you know I would like to expose taxi industry corruption and many other important issues.

However, this time may I take an opportunity to differ with you regarding the `boat people'.

Right now a carefully orchestrated anxiety and paranoia regarding the boat people have taken over the horizon. According to my information, 94% refugees come to Australia via airports by planes with the assistance of airlines, travel agents and high flying lawyers. Surely no one is going to prosecute the above mentioned classes of `people smugglers'! On the other hand, only 6% refugees come to Australia via leaky boats and 98% of them are found to be genuine refugees even under very rough and tough laws of Australia.

--- On Tue, 16/3/10, David Oldfield wrote:

From: David Oldfield
Subject: RE: Peer Lindholdt of OZCABBIE - Let's Talk About Taxis
To: "Faruque Ahmed"
Received: Tuesday, 16 March, 2010, 6:36 PM

Thanks Faruque.

Sorry you only got the last minute of the programme Tuesday morning - no doubt we will speak again soon.


From: Faruque Ahmed [mailto:union_faruque@...]
Sent: Sun 14/03/2010 9:58 PM
To: Cabbie OZ; David Oldfield; Daily Telegraph; ….

Subject: Peer Lindholdt of OZCABBIE – Let's Talk About Taxis

Peer Lindholdt of OZCABBIE – Let's Talk About Taxis

Answers to Questions on Notice: Mr Faruque Ahmed and Five Vital Components of the Taxi Industry are consistent with Faruque Ahmed's Submission to the NSW Upper House Inquiry re Taxi Industry, Transcript of NSW Upper House Inquiry and Beyond A Call for the NSW Transport and Infrastructure Corruption Inquiry. All of those submissions and documents are supported by corroborative evidence.

I have been speaking to all available media outlets and I did my best to expose the taxi industry corruption for a long time. Taxi Mafia Inspired Blockade (Radio 2 UE) and Taxi Mafia Inspired Blockade (Radio 2GB) are self explanatory. However, where are your friends like Jools or Nelson? Did they expose any wrong doings rather than attacking migrants and aboriginals to become mini Reg Kermode at the expense of taxi drivers?! You also regularly promote dictatorial business empire (?) of your partner in crime Michael Jools! His consistently destructive, selfish, and opportunistic behaviour including financial impropriety are rewarded by you all of the time.

This time you wrote in your editorial (OZ Cabbie March 2010), "… Faruque Ahmed who continues to be an embarrassment…". You also write in page 2 of the same issue, "… Faruque Ahmed and Michael Hatrick for themselves … ". You never wrote anything good about me and many other dedicated taxi industry activists!

Peer, you are one of three saints of Three Saints without Sanity! A Short History and Warning to Greedy People was dedicated to stop greed of yours.

Please read the Transcript of NSW Upper House Inquiry should you wish. Despite all of those restrictions, I spoke valiantly and sincerely. On the other hand you even lacked the courage to speak in person in front of the committee.

Last time you wrote, " … a Muslim extremist like Faruque Ahmed should not have to be elected in the NSW TDA no mater how desperate the NSW TDA is …. When I asked you to provide an example of "Muslim Extremism" you failed to do present an iota of evidence in regard to my so called Muslim Extremism.

You also wrote, "… You Faruque are the true RACIST. You hate "whites" and Jews. You, with your fanatical emails and blogs, are doing more to damage any hope of racial harmony than anyone else I know, and in the process you are destroying the reputation of the NSW TDA.

Unlike the countries where you and your 'brothers' come from, here you Have freedom of speech and the right to express your opinion (as long as you don't incite violence or acts of terrorism). However, you have no right to associate your racist slurs and propaganda with an association which does not, I assume, share your views. … "


Source: East India Company to White Australia Policy

Historical background of racism and sectarianism rather than taxi industry activism!

Peer's Peers exposes Peer Lindholt's arrogance, ignorance and blatant racism.

Adolph Hitler to Ross Nelson demonstrates white supremacists' superiority complex including St Peer of Copenhagen.

Geriatric Islamophobia again demonstrates pure racism and sectarianism rather than taxi industry activism.

In light of consistent racism and saturnism emanating from St Peer of Copenhagen, I again would like challenge Peer and any other White Supremacist to open the Danish East India Company first and then win the Battle of Plassey like Lord Clive and then commit suicide to escape hanging before re-establishing White Australia Policy. The issue is Taxi Drivers' Safety and do not try to divert that life and death issue by using race and religion cards without any justification!

Again Peer's racist venom compelled me to write:


You were unhappy about Black, Brown, Yellow, Chinese and Asian taxi drivers! Now you are unhappy because those Black, Brown, Yellow, Chinese and Asian "accents" took over the government departments!! Mate, take it easy and get used to it.

Should you wish to bring back your beloved WHITE AUSTRALIA POLICY, you must have a World War 3, shattered Europe, totally destroyed European economy and desperate European refugees who would be willing to work for peanuts in Australia. I bet Europeans who are enjoying a "peace based" European economy and harmony would be interested in your beloved WHITE AUSTRALIA POLICY at all.

So, you got the choice! Asian, African, South American desperados would do the shit job like mine for peanut. Smart ones amongst these groups would initially do the crap jobs and then ultimately become bosses of the country because of their university degrees, determination and intuition. In the meantime, you and your Pauline Henson mobs can curse the "WOGs" from Mathew Talbot Hostel."

Source: White Australia Policy or Destruction of Europe?

Conclusion: Peer, you are gutless wonder and you won't publish my materials at your useless OZCABBIE magazine. However, I am inviting you to answer me at my blogs without and fear of favour.

Faruque Ahmed


Sydney Taxi Corruption

Sunday, 14 March 2010

For more: Crimes Exposed