Racism and Fascism Galore
Further to Radio 2UE Conspiracy , Ian Holland, Program Director of Radio 2GB, Prostitutes Are Better Than Australian Shock Jocks and Mr. Tim Webster of Radio 2UE; union leader Faruque Ahmed made a few attempts to talk about many burning issues like the infamous Northern Territory Intervention without any success!
Faruque Ahmed is a well-known and very active in the media for a long time including ABC and BBC. Yet, he was told that his English is not good enough in this 10th of August 2010 correspondence!?
During the stage managed 2010 federal election campaign both major political parties and media outlets refused to discuss about aboriginal issues, environment and Australia’s involvement of Israel centric wars.
Earlier Faruque Ahmed was prevented from talking about Taxi Mafia Inspired Blockade (Radio 2GB).
In short Australian shock-jocks, spin doctors and tabloid media outlets are setting the agenda and virtually running the country for Israel. By the same time they are inciting Islamophobia and unfounded paranoia!
Ironically Julia Gillard refused to implement Labor government initiated Peter Yu Report! Disgusting Phony Toney is worse than Julia Gillard and very much supported by the Australian shock-jocks, spin doctors and tabloid media outlets!
In the mean time the Australian shock-jocks, spin doctors and tabloid media outlets are isolating Faruque Ahmed some of them are also trying to vilify him too!
UN slams treatment of Aborigines
Heath Aston
August 29, 2010
The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in Geneva blasted Australia for harbouring an ''unacceptably high level of disadvantage and social dislocation'' among Aborigines, particularly those in the Northern Territory. The committee welcomed Kevin Rudd's apology but said that saying sorry wasn't enough.
Committee member Patrick Thornberry said successive Australian governments had failed to enshrine protection against racial discrimination into the constitution.
But Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin said yesterday the UN had recognised Labor's commitment to closing the gap, saying $5.75 billion had been allocated to tackle indigenous disadvantage over the next three years.
The report also raised concerns about the handling of asylum seekers and assaults on foreign students.
Meanwhile, the largest UN event to be held in Australia begins tomorrow in Melbourne and will include Aleida Guevara, daughter of Cuban revolutionary Ernesto ''Che'' Guevara.